A Fantastic Back-to-School Book Resource

Korrie Johnson, AKA “The Good Book Mom,” has partnered with 10 of Those to offer a biblical alternative to Scholastic Book Orders. She’s just released her back-to-school edition, listing some lovingly curated book recommendations for churches, families, and co-ops, and offering them at discounted prices when bought in bulk: Back to School 2023 US Edition (goodbookmom.com) …

Redemption and Hope in Heidi

My kids and I recently rediscovered a classic that unexpectedly delighted us. Not only is Heidi an endearing character, but the Christian hope that courses through the story is stunning. Post from Story Warren below!

Coloring Our Kids’ Imaginations

These artists’ biographies beautifully blend story, art history, and art appreciation. Read more about them in my latest article at Story Warren!

Chemistry and Color Wheels: Homeschool Day-in-the-Life, Year Six!

We started homeschooling because we felt convicted by Deut. 6:6-7 to infuse God’s word into our kids’ days. . . and because traditional school was a bad fit for my asynchronous learners. We’ve continued it, because homeschooling has provided us with a lifestyle of togetherness too precious to pass up. Daily the Lord has humbled…

Summer “School”?

When June hits and I mention that we homeschool year-round, some people look at me as if I’m the Soup Nazi. I can just imagine the thoughts turning in their heads. While other kids are hunting for shells at the beach and licking watermelon juice from their fingers, mine, they assume, slave over times tables…

Snow Days and Samwise Gamgee: Homeschool Day-in-the-Life, Year Five

What a heavy year this has been. A pandemic with an ever-rising death toll; riots, violence, and hatred broiling in the streets, even in our nation’s Capitol; jobs threatened, businesses shuttered; routines and traditions turned upside down, and patterns of fellowship we hold dear completely dismantled. It’s hard, when reflecting on it all, not to…